If you are responsible for or participating in the production of your state or municipal government’s CAFR, you may have spent the past few months preparing.
Most organizations responsible for the CAFR spend the months of August through November diligently producing, auditing, and editing all the information necessary for the report, which, when printed, can loom tome-like and intimidating on your desk.
(By the way – is it just a coincidence that CAFR season coincides with hurricane season, or does that seem as ominous to you as it does to me?)
The CAFR, as difficult as it can be to produce, plays a tremendously important role in the future of the government’s finances, and it must be accurate and punctual. This can create a lot of pressure for those who prepare it.
At nexDimension, we have experience in alleviating that pressure. We have provided reliable solutions that enable public sector finance and accounting professionals to automate their CAFR production process. This makes the process faster, easier, and more accurate.
To learn more about how you can introduce a better CAFR process to your organization, download our free case study here: Automate and Enhance Controls Over CAFR and Budget Reporting
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