Can You Find New Opportunities in Microsoft FRx?

Microsoft FRx has been around the block a few times. This financial reporting and analysis software sprung out of its namesake, FRx Software Corporation, way back in 1991. Just to put that birthday in perspective, here are a few other things that happened in 1991:

  • After the Internet became available for unrestricted commercial use, the number of computers on the net reached a whopping 1 million (compare that to the 108+ million computers — in North America ALONE — on the Internet today)
  • Microsoft released MS DOS 5.0
  • Nirvana released the album Nevermind, which launched the grunge era and paved the way for ripped jeans, flannel shirts, Doc Martens, and Kate Moss to stage a pop culture takeover – and what would the world be today without all that?

Anyway, back to the saga of FRx: a few years later Great Plains Software acquired the company, and now Microsoft, which itself purchased Great Plains, has been phasing out FRx since 2011. Microsoft Management Reporter will replace Microsoft FRx.

While we strongly encourage you to prepare yourself and your organization to swiftly transition to Microsoft Management Reporter or another financial reporting software solution, we are also aware that you may need to continue using FRx in the near-term. A lot of our clients still use Microsoft FRx with great success, taking advantage of capabilities like these:

  • Microsoft FRx is easy enough to use that employees can access real-time data to build, format, and distribute comprehensive and comprehensible reports without having to involve your IT department. That saves time and effort for everyone, which makes YOU look like an efficiency rock star.
  • Microsoft FRx gives your people the straightforward, accurate information they need to monitor performance, close your books quickly, meet your compliance deadlines, and make decisions confidently. Now THAT’s money, honey.
  • Microsoft FRx reduces errors and eliminates double-entry processes because it pulls information directly from your General Ledger.  With fewer errors to worry about, you’ll sleep better at night.
  • Microsoft FRx works with your existing systems, including Microsoft Dynamics GP, Microsoft Dynamics SL, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft Dynamics AX, and dozens more. It’s like being part of a big, happy family where everyone plays nicely together – which makes your job easier.

Instead of replacing all of this excellent functionality in a hurry, there may still be ways for you to leverage your existing technology, beyond and including Microsoft FRx, to meet your immediate goals, leaving you with more time to prepare for an efficient transition to a new system.

To begin executing this strategy, delve directly into the core of your process and revisit your existing systems. If you have used Microsoft FRx for a few years, you may think you know it like the back of your own hand. What we at nexDimension have discovered in our years of consulting is something different: we have found that many of our clients are missing opportunities to leverage Microsoft FRx in ways to maximize their productivity in the near-term and prepare for the necessary transition to a new solution.

If you want some help with this, contact us today, and we will help you ASAP.

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