You may not be in the banking business, but we think that a recent survey conducted by Deloitte Consulting shows results relevant to many other types of industries and organizations.
57% of the survey respondents said that the quality of data in their organization is either “adequate” or “un-integrated,” while only 42% said their data quality is “good” or “excellent.”
Crucially, over 70% of the respondents say they feel like they’re not fully leveraging the vast amount of data that they have access to.
These survey results provide evidence that substantiates what we have seen in the marketplace: that most organizations don’t have good tools to manage their data.
Fully one-third (!) of the survey respondents said that analytics tools aren’t even a part of their strategy because they feel unprepared to manage them properly. And only one-third said that they feel their staff is equipped and educated to leverage Big Data.

This shows the breakdown of how the survey respondents assessed the quality of technology tools available to them.
Are you like these banks, floundering in a vast sea of data-related opportunity, lost without a compass or wind in your sails? If you are, you and your organization are missing out on a lot of benefits that we’d like to guide you to.
To get started, contact us today.
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